Summarizes the five competitive forces that shape strategy according to Michael Porter
Archives: Curated Sources
A Guide On How To Build A Data-Driven Organization
Discusses the critical questions organizations should consider and identifies the core capabilities they need to develop to become data-driven
Product Roadmap Guide
Teaches audience the important steps in creating a product roadmap and the different types of product roadmap
A Data-Driven Approach to Identifying — and Retaining — Top Employees
Recommends that organizations leverage employee data from internal collaboration platforms to identify team members with the right skills for vacant job positions first, instead of looking for external hires immediately
Top 15 Product Management Frameworks: A Detailed Guide
Introduces 15 product management frameworks that have traditionally been used by some of the largest companies that have ever existed, covering several different factors like the number of employees, product management time and access to resources
How to Create Compelling Product Roadmaps – Tips and Best Practices for Success
Offers tips and best practices in creating a product roadmap that is compelling, can drive the strategy for the company, and can provide partners, press, analysts and customers with a clear idea of where the business is headed
Product Roadmaps
Introduces product roadmaps and teaches audience how to use them in an agile environment
Scaling Operations in a Fast-Growing Business – 3 Key Success Factors
Identifies three key factors of a successful operations scale-up that addresses the demands of newfound growth which is quickly outgrowing a company’s processes, teams, and systems
Attracting and Retaining the Right Talent
Rationalizes why talent is important, especially as it relates to business growth, and how organizations can attract and retain top talent
How the Best Managers Identify and Develop Talent
Outlines seven science-based recommendations to help managers update hiring tactics, and develop talent management skills along the way: think ahead, focus on the right traits, be data-driven, hire internally, be inclusive, consider who will add the most to the team as a unit, and never stop trying to make people better